Monday, May 31, 2010

What a weekend

I hope everyone else had as nice and relaxing a weekend as we did. We really got a lot accomplished! Jase's last day of 1st Grade was Friday. Bittersweet for us because, although he had a great year and learned sooooo much, our baby is growing up so fast! It seems like just yesterday that he was chasing us around our apartment in Stephenville as a it's payback time, because Landry chases him around like he chased us!

Speaking of Landry, he put together his first sentence on Saturday morning and it was soooooooo....well....Landry...haha. I put him in his playpen and, of course, as soon as his feet hit the bottom of the playpen he acted as if they were on fire. He also proceeded to give me the "sad eyes" and the most pitiful cry ever. So, of course, like any good momma, I picked him up and said, "Look at the sad baby." I fussed over him for a while and he dried it up as quickly as he started it, just as we were walking into the bedroom where Josh was laying on the bed. I started laughing and told him "You're not sad baby, you're fakey sad baby." He looked at me with the most pitiful face and said "Yes sad baby!" Josh and I just cracked up. Crazy kid!

Saturday was the Jeremy and Bridgette Memorial Softball Tournament, and it looked to be a big success. Josh spent all day at the TSTC softball fields serving up hamburgers, hot dogs, and barbecue. Jase got hit in the face with a (plastic) bat early on and after seeing blood come out of his nose he decided that he was done for the day, so I came and picked him up and took him to Granny and Paw's. (Not seeing a future in the medical field for that one. ;) ). However, I was super proud of him on Sunday when he got over his fear of the "deep" water. (4 foot is deep when you're only 4 foot 1!) Landry was much less worried about the depth than he was about the COLD...but he LOVED every minute of being in the pool. He floated in his little baby ring like a champ! He's gonna be our little tadpole. I'm actually kind of glad that Jase is so cautious, because it seems that his little brother is going to need a voice of reason because he is fearless and crazy!

Today, in the Memorial Day spirit, I have conquered the battle of the laundry and am ready to tackle my last week at W.I.S.D. Josh only has a few more days to go at La Vega as well and then we're out for the summer! We're hoping that Summer 2010 holds lots of fun, memorable times in store for our family...can't wait to sit back and enjoy the ride. :) :)

Thursday, May 27, 2010

So we've finally entered the 21st century...

So it's official! The Hollingsworth Family has finally entered the 21st Century and created a blog. I'm going to try to update this AT LEAST once a week...but you all know how good I am about keeping up with things with our cRaZy schedule around here, so ya know....might get a little behind!

So here's the latest scoop around our house:

Jase is still rockin' and rollin' with t-ball season. He was super excited to have earned the game ball at his last game in Groesbeck. His team is pretty awesome, and they're pretty much ensured a play-off spot if they keep playing the way that they have been. He's doing pretty well, but isn't totally into t-ball, so we think that this will probably be his last year to do little league. He's decided that next year he may want to play spring soccer instead. (He's a little too wormy for t-ball...too much downtime or something. lol) So until then, he'll be the best little circle spinning, dirt-clod throwing, smack talking t-ball player on the field! haha

Landry is now taking three steps at a time before he realizes that he's walking and promptly puts a stop to all of that by dropping to the floor and crawling at warp speed. He's like the fastest crawler EVER! He also tells Ollie to "SIT!" repeatedly, every time we walk outside...but it's not just Ollie, he'll tell your dog to "SIT!" a matter of fact, he'll tell everyone's dog to sit. Some kids say "puppy"...yeah, not this kid. There's a slight possibility that he might be reincarnated from a hippie nudist. The last few mornings when I've gotten him out of bed he's stripped his diaper off and thrown it out of the crib...usually holding his bottle in one hand and his "boys" in the other. Which, again, proves my point that there is waaaay too much testosterone going on in this household!

Josh and I are soooooo ready for school to be out. We're very excited about summer and really jealous of Jase, who gets out of school TOMORROW, while we still have another week left! However, I found out today that next year Jase and I will be on the same schedule for the first time EVER! I accepted a position at Axtell Elementary to be the new 4th and 5th grade math teacher. I'm super excited to have a job that is challenging in a good kind of way, and not a make me want to jump out of the window kind of way. (Fortunately, this year I had no windows in the Technology Dungeon...haha) But, I'm taking quite a pay cut, so Josh has informed me that I must sell the crap outta some Mary Kay to make up the difference. So if ya need anything, give me a call. ;) Buuuuutttt on the bright side, La Vega is getting a good raise this year (whoop whoop!) so that oughta make up for a little of the difference. :)

Time to get Jase in bed for his last day of school, so until next time, keep your diapers on....cuz Landry won't!