Monday, May 9, 2011

Winding to a close...

Well, another Monday down and the school year is finally winding to a close. I have a few weeks full of field trips, testing, awards, and early release days, while Josh just has...well...a few weeks...and one more week than Jase and I have at Axtell. I'd much rather these days be busy, it helps them not to draaaagggg on forever with visions of summer dancing in our heads.

Josh and I started doing the C25K (couch to 5k) workout plan last week in an attempt to lose the baby/holiday/I eat too much crap weight. I, personally, have lost the same 10 pounds three times this year and gained it back every time...utter frustration. I've almost completed the first week of C25K and Josh completed the first workout...hehe. In his defense, though, we have been super busy this week and it has been difficult to carve out a time to head to the track. Be on the lookout for a new fitness blog coming from the Hollingsworth Family...although it may not hit the presses until school is out. :)

Today, I completed my last grad school final for the semester, and am likely to maintain the 4.0 for the semester. I'm super excited because next weekend we will be going to Stephenville for the doctoral program orientation weekend. That's where we'll find out all of the ins and outs of the program and Josh and I will get to go to a fancy little reception at the home of the professor who is the head of the doctoral program at TSU. I'm excited because that means that I am officially about 3 years away from being Dr. Lacy Hollingsworth. Whoo-hoo! (Can Dr.'s still "whoo-hoo"?...oh well, whatever, I guess I won't be your typical I'm definitely atypical, that's for sure...don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing.

Jase's real B-Day is on Saturday and he wants 3 Spoons Yogurt. I'm going to try to make healthy choices with the fat free yogurt, honey, and fruit. Pray that the hot fudge and cookie dough doesn't get the best of me!!!!

Monday, May 2, 2011

The new addition...

Betcha thought I was talking about babies, huh?, the Hollingsworth's will not be reproducing again anytime soon.

However we have made a new addition to our family in the last month. We bought a camper! Super excited about this, because, as you may know, I'm not an outdoorsy kind of gal. People often have the misconception that, since I grew up in the country, I like to go traipsing through the woods on nature hikes and so forth. Quite the contrary, my friends. I like sitting in a lawn chair with a cold drink in my hand, and that's about as outdoorsy as we get folks. I'm a fan of modern conveniences and air conditioning, so camping with a camper is as "one with nature" as I get. We're very excited about taking our boys to the lake this summer and getting out and doing more without having to book a hotel room to do so. :)

Landry's birthday was Saturday, and Jase's is in less than two weeks, so we've got the big birthday party extravaganza coming up this Friday. We're doing it on a bit smaller scale than last year, which was a zoo! (A fun zoo, but a zoo, nonetheless). After inviting the entire first grade, every friend and family member we could think of, and Jase's t-ball team, our house and yard were trashed to say the least, and Josh and I just couldn't get pumped for that again. However, we could get pumped for a party at the Jump-N-Place, where they set everything up, take everything down, and provide EVERYTHING except for the cake. Sounds good to me!

Soccer season has just about wrapped up for Jase, he's got two games left, and has really progressed this spring! He switched leagues and is now playing HOT and has an awesome coach who is teaching him a lot more about the game and how to play a position instead of just chasing the ball around the field. It's been really fun to watch him grow as a player.

Landry is now in mockingbird mode and will repeat ANYTHING that you say, so you've gotta watch that guy. I still think that he was genetically engineered for espionage...he gets in spy mode sometimes and pretends to be talking on his phone in his baby jabber, he also talks in his sleep, which totally cracks us up. Overall, the kids are crazy and life is fabulous. :)