Monday, June 14, 2010

Simplifying Life

Sooooo I'm thinkin' that this week is going to be all about simplification. I'm looking at our closet right now and seeing clothes and shoes that Josh and I haven't worn in FOREVER (if I've worn them at all!). Why is it, that no matter how many outfits that a person has, you still wear the same things all of the time. (Unless you're like some crazy rich celebrity that never wears the same thing twice, however, I, unfortunately, do not fit into this category). So, alas, I will be letting go of the pairs of jeans that I intended to wear 15 pounds from now because, 15 pounds from now, I'm sure I'd rather go shopping than wear the jeans that have been hanging in my closet for a few years. I'm also gonna let go of the clothes on the other end of the spectrum...the fat girl clothes. Lord knows I don't ever wanna fit into those again. And the shoes...jeepers gracious I have a ton of shoes! And I wear the same ones all of the time! Josh just has t-shirts out the wazoo that he doesn't wear like, ever. He still has shirts from Cesar Chavez Middle School and Hillsboro High...and he hasn't worked either place in years. I know you like to mow the lawn in them, honey, but really, do you need like 10 shirts to mow the lawn in? Time to simplify, my friends, time to simplify.

As bad as he hates it, Jase will be simplifying, too. We've gotta get "Hurricane Playroom" at bay or I fear that it will ravage the entire east side of our house. We'll keep the sentimental stuff, ditch the crap, and keep the stuff he plays with. I'm nearly positive, though, that when we get to the "ditch the crap" stage, Jase will have to be absent. He's my little hoarder. However, Thursday he will be seeing the Karate Kid with, Thursday, my plans will commence. :)

Landry is gonna simplify by ditching the bottles this week. It's time. He drinks from the sippy, but likes his milk in a bottle. That's his "comfort food." haha...but, starting today, milk will be in the sippy, too. Big boy time at the Hollingsworth house!

Mission Simplification is Officially Underway!

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